Handipedia is an online database of information for hand surgery consults in the emergency room and clinic. Anyone can contribute.
To submit a page to include in the database or suggest an edit, please email grant.thomson@yale.edu.
All work submitted must be the original work of the author. By submitting an article:
- You confirm that you are the author of the work and this is your original work.
- You confirm that you have appropriately included and received permission from co-authors.
- You confirm that you have appropriately labeled and received permission for included images by people other than you.
- You confirm that you have addressed privacy concerns by removing any identifying patient, student, or other personal information from the text, video, or videos
- You agree to include any data sources and reference it with accepted scholarly practices for citation formation (such as APA format).
- You agree to share your work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/.
- You understand that your submission will be reviewed by the editor to determine if it is within scope and otherwise suitable for the reference. Submissions may also go under peer review or editing before it is published on the website.